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Mike Pence Challenges Rivals to Back 15-Week Abortion Ban

Former US Vice-President Mike Pence has challenged his rivals in the Republican presidential field to support a 15-week national abortion ban. He told a conservative gathering every Republican candidate for president should support 15 weeks “as a minimum nationwide standard”...

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Intelligence Report Says Us Split on Covid-19 Origins

US intelligence agencies have found no direct evidence that Covid-19 broke out from a Chinese laboratory, a declassified report has said. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said both a natural and laboratory origin remain plausible scenarios. It noted most US...

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Four Ways the End of Roe V Wade Has Changed America

A year ago, the US Supreme Court delivered a historic ruling that ended the nationwide right to abortion, impacting the lives of millions of women and transforming the political landscape. On 24 June, 2022, America’s top court overturned the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling which had...

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