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East Coast Farming Expo Roster Filling Up

There’s an air of anticipation and excitement around February’s East Coast Farming Expo.

The Expo is a two-day midweek gathering from February 21-22 at the Wairoa Race Course, for sheep and beef producers, focusing on farming smarter.

The event is a chance  for farmers to talk one-on-one with industry innovators and leaders.

 “Post cyclone, farmers are really wanting to get together and just reconnect,” event organiser Sue Wilson said. 

“We’ve got quite the line-up of speakers over the two days.”
Among them are television personality and mental wellbeing exponent Matt Chisholm, former head of analytics for the NZX Julia Jones, Fleur Gardiner of Craigs Investment Partners, Lincoln University adjunct professor Dr Jacqueline Rowarth, and John Roche, the chief science adviser at the Ministry for Primary Industries.
Rowarth is very much focused on the vibrant future ahead. 

“Reading, listening or watching any of the news you would be forgiven for thinking the world population is becoming vegan, embracing plant-based food from vertical farms and cultured protein from vats while relegating animals to the role of pets,” she said. 

“In fact, the world needs sustainably produced animal protein more than ever and New Zealand is leading the way in showing how what is needed can be achieved. The key is to consider the essential amino acids that make meat and milk such efficient deliverers of what human physiology requires.”
Jones said she’ll be drilling down on what is happening around the world, including protectionism, geopolitical issues, climate resilience, the need to drive hope and focus on what can be controlled while not wasting energy on what can’t.
For Gardiner, the Expo is a chance to encourage people to plan and consider their options and investment dos and don’ts, and she’ll have case studies to show how investing off farm can provide an alternate income stream and help with succession planning.

Source: Farms Weekly
