Home » ‘Lower Than F’: Americans in the Nation’s Capital Grade President Biden on His Performance
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‘Lower Than F’: Americans in the Nation’s Capital Grade President Biden on His Performance

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Americans walking in the nation’s capital graded President Biden’s performance as a March poll showed another drop in the chief executive’s approval rating.

“If there was one lower than F, we’d aim for that,” Brandy, from Ohio, told Fox News. “I think we’re being mismanaged to a severe degree.”

“He represents himself as a puppet,” Brandy said. “Knowing that other countries are seeing that that’s whose been elected to represent us to the world is disheartening because it’s making us look weak.”

But a Delaware man said he loved his home-state president. He gave Biden an A.

A Delaware resident praises Biden’s performance for doing a good job at improving the ‘terrible situation’ the president inherited. (Megan Myers/Fox News Digital)

“He inherited a terrible situation,” he said. “He’s weaved through it quite well.”

Biden’s approval rating sunk from 45% to 38%, according to a March 23 Associated Press/NORC Center survey of more than 1,000 adults. By comparison, his approval hit a record-low at 36% in July after inflation hit a 40-year high.

“As a country, we’re just getting farther in debt, and he’s just not helping out the situation,” Kevin, of Ohio said as he gave Biden an F. 

But a D.C. woman disagreed and gave Biden a B-minus.

“I think economically he has worked hard to limit the inflation,” she said. “Also, I think you can start to see the impact of the construction work and infrastructure investments.”

Inflation has been a focal point during Biden’s presidency as the country has endured soaring prices throughout most of 2022, peaking at 9.1% inflation last June, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But while inflation has decreased, only 31% of all respondents approved of Biden’s handling of the economy, according to the March AP-NORC poll.

“Everything he touches goes wrong,” Bill, of Tennessee, said. He gave Biden an F.

And Emily, from Alabama, gave Biden a D-plus grade.

“I just feel like a lot of the promises he’s made, he hasn’t fulfilled,” Emily told Fox News. She said Biden promised to unify the country during his 2020 campaign and misrepresented himself as a moderate candidate.

“The country is still so divided,” Emily said. 

Source : FOX News
